Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving Forward

Our country is deeply divided. In the recent decades each political party has felt the sting of defeat. As conservative Christians, we have probably felt the sting a little deeper because of the lack of representation from either political party. However, what has divided this country is the inability to let go of this pain of defeat. Many dwell on this pain and let it fester into a full blown infection of retaliation. Let us not do that. As conservatives, our message appears to be in the minority for the moment, however, let us do all we can to unite our wounded country. While it will continue to be imperative to fight for righteousness and justice, let us not fight for political justice but justice for all, for citizens, for children of God. Let us do all we can to heal political wounds through service, civil conversation, and conservative actions.

I invite you to join with me in daily prayers for our political leaders. The Savior said, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matt 5:44) Righteousness will prevail but we must do our part in the fight for right. Though perilous times are ahead of us, know that they are all part of Heavenly Father's plan. Let go of the hate and hurt and lead by example and love. This too, shall pass.



Here, here!!!

That's pretty deep...what inspired you to create a blog just for "your thoughts?" I often shy away from leaving too much on my blog for fear of revealing too many of my own inner thoughts. GOOD FOR YOU!

jasnjan said...

I need an outlet. I have all of these "opinions" that are just bubbling over and I figure this is the place that will come nearest to someone benefiting from what I have to share. I am very literal in my thinking when it comes to religion and politics. In my opinion, one cannot be separated from the other. More on that later I am sure. Anyway, thanks for the comments... That's really what I want here is some feedback on things.