Thursday, November 6, 2008

My nation has lost its God... Can you help look for Him?

With this holiday season in full swing, I reflect on what it must have been like to live half a century ago. For those of you who know me, you know that I am absolutely fascinated by the automobiles from this era. These cars were made before the government stepped into the auto industry and mandated what type of car they could build. That is probably why the classics are still classics. They are pure, unadulterated imagination come to life. Anyway, that's not where I was headed when I started...

50 years ago, I realize there were problems, that it wasn't a perfect world. However, there is one aspect of the past (if only it was just one) that I long for, the acceptance of Christianity. What have we become in the name of equality and diversity? Godless. But not really. You see, I believe that worshiping is one of those human characteristics that is built into us. Something that we do for fulfillment. If we do not have a God to worship, we choose cars, or money, or anything that we can take to an excess. There is always a way to spend our time that tips our hand to what we worship.

Nowadays it seems that it is okay to be anything BUT Christian. You can be gay, atheist, Muslim, or agnostic and sometimes near on to a terrorist and we as a nation will be tolerable towards your beliefs and lifestyle - sometimes downright cater to it and yet if you are a Christian, you are often treated as if you have a mental disorder.

I recently read a story of a small town in Michigan that passed an ordinance that allowed the local mosque to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers throughout the town. ( I recommend the read and the thoughts that it provokes.

I guess the big thing I don't understand is why we have come to the point of complacency where we allow such small percentages of the population lead us around by the nose? By us I mean our representatives and judges mostly. My theory? The majority in this country has their head down, working hard and trying to take care of business. We don't have time to boycott or protest. We are too busy making jobs, raising families and trying to do what's right. I can only imagine what our Founding Fathers must think of what we have become. They must be heart-sick. So, how do we take action? If voting isn't enough where do we go from here? That is the trick question.

Anyway, I realize this is a bit random this morning but these are simply my wanderings... Heres a little "ditty" for you...

In God we Trust... nevermind God, we'll take it from here. After all, people have other God's you know? You can't be hogging all the attention. I'll tell You what, we'll give You Sunday and then we will divvy out the other days to the other gods - including the ones we don't even know we are worshiping. I know, I know, you gave us all 7 days and every day we get air to breathe but you've gotta understand, we need equality, we need tolerance. If we don't give those other gods some air time, those leftys are gonna flip! It will be ok, we'll still pray in secret. In fact to make sure we don't make anyone feel bad, we won't use Your name in schools, in government, heck - we'll even take Your name off of our money if we have to. I mean, it's for peace, right? Aren't we supposed to be a peaceful people? This otta work... What? You think we should do what? Take the persecution? Stand up for You? pfft... that's why You're not in charge anymore. Thanks for the advice, God, but we know what we are doing, we've learned all we need to from You, we'll take it from here...

1 comment:

Angela said...

That's how Satan works. It's funny, even as I say that, I know I would be immediately dismissed because I'm "one of them religious nuts". He gets you to let just a little bit go at a time. We're slowly pushing Christianity out. Not all at once of course, that would be too obvious.
Have you read The Great and Terrible series by Chris Stewart? I just read the first one, The Brothers, and it really helped me realized just how hard Satan really is working against us in the world. I've always known it, but it helped make it real for me. Things are worth fighting for because if we don't, we will loose them.
I'm glad you made an outlet for your thoughts.