Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Unexpected Perspective

I had the opportunity to attend BodyWorlds this morning with my wife. It brought some perspective that I was not anticipating. For those of you that are not familiar with the exhibit, it shows, in great detail, the different systems of the human body. As we walked through, it became very apparent to me that there is absolutely no way that we were not designed and built by chance. God had everything to do with how we were put together and how each system and function was skillfully, if not artfully crafted into one super complex organism.

I also found it interesting that fewer (and I mean a lot fewer) people went to the portion of exhibit that showed the development of a fetus. As we looked at a "specimen" that was only 9 weeks developed, it was easy to see that this little child has 10 toes, 10 fingers, facial features and a heart. I think that every woman that is considering abortion should be forced to see this exhibit. I think that many, when shown that the 'problem' developing within their bodies are living, beating, children, they may seriously reconsider what they are doing. If what we know now was known back then would there even be a Roe vs. Wade? I doubt it. There is too much scientific evidence now, I believe, that would show that those little guys have feelings, feel pain, and should, again my opinion, have just as much right to life as we do.

The thing I didn't expect to see at Body Worlds? A camel.


Angela said...

I've heard it was good, but the pictures are a little creepy. I think I'd be interested to see the pregnancy exhibits though.

Angela said...

I just looked at the website, it's expensive!

jasnjan said...

It was pricey. You can get a $3 coupon at the U of U Health Networks. I don't think we have ever spent that much on "entertainment" before but we figured it was a once in a lifetime sort of experience and we weren't disappointed.